Pro-Parris Social Characteristics

Count of Identification Identification    
Sex Church-Member Householder Grand Total
F 27 24 51
M 25 29 54
Grand Total 52 53 105
Pivot Table for Pro-Parris Petitioners

The table reveals the strong support for Parris in both his own congregation and the village community. Almost half of the 105 petition signers were village church members (52). Although by the late seventeenth century, church members generally constituted a distinct minority of town residents, Parris clearly retained the loyalty of Salem Village's church members regardless of the controversial nature of his ministry during and after the witchcraft episode. He also received considerable support from householders, particularly male householders. Indeed, the group with the largest number of pro-Parris petition signers was that of male householders (29).

Women, both church members and householders, also constituted a large group of Parris's loyalists. Many of them were the wives of male pro-Parris signers, showing a connection between family units and support for Parris's ministry. Indeed, the category with the second largest number of pro-Parris petition signers was that of women church members (27). Despite his low historical reputation, Parris could count on broad support among Salem Villagers, particularly among members of his church.

Pro-Parris social characteristics can be displayed in a variety of ways. Constructing different pivot tables and pie charts can highlight different aspects of the social composition of Parris's support.

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